In its Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory for the week of 21- 27 February 2013, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) found that 3 Palestinian civilians, including a child, were wounded in the northern Gaza Strip by Israeli troops. 9 Palestinian civilians, including 3 children, were wounded in different shooting incidents in the West Bank, 8 of whom were wounded in Qasra village, southeast of Nablus, during a joint attack launched by the Israeli forces and settlers.14 civilians, including 4 children, a woman and a journalist, were wounded in peaceful protests against the annexation wall and settlement activities, while 33, including 9 children, were wounded in solidarity demonstrations supporting the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike in the Israeli jails. Moreover, 8 civilians, including 3 children, were wounded when the Israeli forces moved into Qasra village, southeast of Nablus, to offer protection to Israeli settlers in their attack against the said village. Another Palestinian civilian was wounded during a protest in the center of Hebron.

Israeli attacks in the West Bank:

During the reporting period, the Israeli forces conducted at least 51 military incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank. During these incursions, the Israeli forces abducted at least 36 Palestinians, including 23 children. The children were released a few hours later. The Israeli forces also detained 17 Palestinian civilians, including 3 children, during peaceful protests throughout the West Bank against the annexation wall and settlement activities or to support the Palestinian prisoners in the Israeli jails.

In the context of using checkpoints as traps to arrest the Palestinians, the Israeli forces abducted 4 civilians, including a child. They also abducted 3 farmers from their lands. Thus, the total number of Palestinians who were abducted in the West Bank during the reporting period mounted to 60 civilians, including 27 children.

During the reporting period, the Israeli forces turned a vacant house in Ya’bad village, southwest of Jenin, into a military position. They raised the Israeli flag and fixed surveillance cameras on and barbed wires around the house. In addition, they used it to torture the Palestinian civilians in the village.

Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip:

In the Gaza Strip, the Israeli forces continued to open fire at the Palestinians near the border fence. On 22 February 2013, the Israeli forces stationed along the border fence, east of Jabalya, northeast of Beit Hanoun, opened fire at a number of Palestinians who were 50 meters northeast of al-Shuhada’ cemetery adjacent to the border fence. As a result, 2 civilians were wounded. At the same time, the Israeli forces stationed along the border fence, east of Abu Safiya area, east of Jabalya in the northern Gaza Strip, opened fire at a group of young persons who were about 100 meters to the west of the border fence. As a result, a boy was wounded. It should be noted that the Palestinian families go to picnic in the farmlands adjacent to the border fence on Fridays. However, the Israeli forces target them.

In the context of targeting Palestinian fishermen in the sea, on 21 February 2013, the Israeli gunboats attacked a Palestinian fishing boat boarded by 3 fishermen, while they were sailing 3 nautical miles off al-Waha resort, north of Gaza Strip. Furthermore, PCHR’s fieldworkers documented 6 shooting incidents against Palestinian fishing boats during the reporting period.

Israeli settlement activities:

The Israeli forces have continued settlement activities in the West Bank, and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.

On Thursday, 21 February 2013, dozens of settlers from ‘Seger’ settlement cut 50 olive trees and 20 grape trees in Jorat Mish’al area, west of Beit ‘Awwa village, west of Doura, southwest of Hebron.

On 22 February 2013, Israeli forces raided B’er al-‘Abed area in the surroundings of Janba village, south of Yatta, south of Hebron. The Israeli soldiers deployed in the area and detained a number of Palestinian civilians while they were paving the street, which leads to the village, and declared it a closed military zone in which any form of construction work needs a permit f. Before withdrawing, the Israeli forces confiscated three trucks, loaded with base course.

On 23 February 2013, dozens of settlers coming from ‘Susiya’ settlement, established on confiscated Palestinian agricultural lands, south of Yatta, south of Hebron, attacked Palestinian farmers of al-Shamsti and al-Nawa’ja, while working in their farmlands in the surroundings of the village. The settlers beat the Palestinian farmers severely and unleashed their dogs, terrorizing them. The Israeli forces arrived at the scene, declared the area a closed military zone and attacked the farmers. Before withdrawing, the Israeli soldiers abducted two farmers and transported them to an unknown destination.

On 23 February 2013, Israeli forces raided farmlands in al-Khalail area, north of Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron. They detained a 75-year old farmer, and 3 of his sons for two and a half hours before releasing them. The forces banned the aforementioned civilians from working in their land under pretext that it is close to the security fence of ‘Gosh Atzion’ settlement, established on Palestinian civilians’ lands south of Bethlehem

Also on the same day, a group of settlers coming from ‘Sham’a’ settlement, established on Palestinian civilians’ lands southeast of al-Thaheria village, south of Hebron, attacked a number of shepherds while tending their sheep in farmlands in Kherbat Zanouta area, west of the aforementioned village. The settlers beat a 37-year old man. Half an hour later, an Israeli force raided the area, abducted the man and transported him to an unknown destination.

Also on the same day, a group of settlers, under the protection of Israeli forces accompanied by a number of military vehicles, raided Palestinian civilians’ lands from Silat al-Daher village, south of Jenin, where ‘Homesh’ settlement was established before being evacuated. They practiced some religious rituals before withdrawing from the area.

On 24 February 2013, 8 civilians, including 3 children, were wounded when a group of settlers from ‘Yissh Kodesh’ settlement, southeast of Qasra village, southeast of Nablus, attacked a house belonging to the family of Abdul Majid Tawfiq Salama in al-Wa’ar area, southeast of the said village. A number of Palestinians gathered to protect the house from the settlers who were protected by the Israeli forces. The Palestinians threw stones at the Israeli forces and settlers, who opened fire in return.

On Monday, 25 February 2013, an Israel settler from ‘Betar Illit’ settlement, established on the lands of Housan, Foukin Valleh and Nahalin villages, west of Bethlehem, established a large steel gate, 4 meters wide and 2 meters high, on the main entrance leading to Palestinian farmers’ lands in Qedis area, west of Housan.

Israeli attacks against non-violent demonstrations:

During the reporting period, the Israeli forces continued to systematically use excessive force against peaceful protests organized by Palestinians and Israeli and international activists protesting against the annexation wall and settlement activities in the West Bank. As a result, 14 protestors, including 4 children, a woman and a journalist, were wounded. 3 of whom, including a woman and a child, were wounded in al-Nabi Saleh weekly protest; 5 protestors were wounded in Budrus protest in Ramallah and a child was wounded in Bil’in protest in Ramallah. The other 5 persons, including 2 children and a journalist, were wounded during 2 protests in the center of Hebron that were organized to protest against the continued closure of al-Shuhada’ Street since 1994.

In the same context, the Palestinians organized a number of peaceful protests in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners, particularly those who are on hunger strike in the Israeli jails. The Israeli forces used excessive force against these protests. As a result, 28 civilians, including 4 children, were wounded.

At approximately 13:00 on Thursday, 21 February 2013, dozens of Palestinian civilians, activists of the Popular Committees against Settlement Activity and the Hebron Defense Committee and international human rights activists gathered in al-Haraiek area, southeast of Hebron, for a peaceful demonstration calling for opening the route linking Hebron with al-Rayhia al-Thaheriaand Doura villages and al-Fawar Refugee Camp, which has been closed for the past 12 years. Upon their arrival to the steel gate which closes the road leading to bypass road (60), the Israeli forces surrounded the area and declared it a closed military zone, ordering the demonstrators to leave immediately. The soldiers fired tear gas canisters and sound bombs at the demonstration. A number of protesters fainted as a result of tear gas inhalation.

Following the Friday Prayer on 22 February 2013, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders organized a peaceful demonstration in Bil’ein village, west of Ramallah, in protest to the construction of the annexation wall. The demonstrators gathered in the streets of the village, chanting slogans calling for national unity. The protesters aimed to stress the need to adhere to national principles and the right of return, to resist the occupation and to call for the release of all Palestinian prisoners. The protesters raised Palestinian flags and made their way towards the lands adjacent to the annexation wall. The Israeli forces closed all ways and entrances to the village since early morning hours, to prevent Palestinians, journalists and international activists from joining the protest. The protesters raised Palestinian flags and made their way towards the wall. They called through megaphones for Israeli settlers in “Mitityahu” settlement to leave Palestinian land. Israeli soldiers stationed in the area fired rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the demonstrators. As a result, Qosai Falah Ahmed Abu-Rahma (11) was hit by a tear canister in the head. Dozens of demonstrators also suffered from tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises.

Around the same time on Friday, dozens of Palestinian civilians and Israeli and international human rights defenders gathered in the Martyrs Square in Nabi Saleh village, northwest of Ramallah, to hold a weekly peaceful protest against the construction of the annexation wall and settlement activities, and in solidarity with the Palestinians prisoners on hunger strike inside Israeli jails, especially Samer al-Eisawi. The protesters walked towards the gate erected by Israeli forces near the entrance of the village, which leads to Palestinian lands that Israeli settlers from the nearby ‘Halmish’ settlement are trying to seize. Israeli soldiers fired live and rubber-coated bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the protesters. As a result, 3 Palestinian civilians, including a woman and a child, were wounded, and dozens of demonstrators suffered from tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises. The first wounded person, a woman (45), sustained a bullet wound to the left leg; the second, a child (13), sustained 3 bullet wounds to the left thigh, waist and shoulder, and he was detained for half an hour at the military tower, established by the main entrance of the village. He was then transported to Palestine Health Complex in Ramallah for treatment. The third one (19) sustained 3 bullet wounds in the right leg.

Also on Friday, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international human rights defenders gathered in Budrus village, west of Ramallah and al-Bireh, for a peaceful protest against the annexation wall and settlement activity. They raised the Palestinian flag and portraits of Sameer Awad, who was killed by Israeli forces. The demonstrators walked through the village streets and headed towards the wall. The Israeli forces closed the wall gates with barbwires. When the demonstrators attempted to cross the wall to the land behind it, the Israeli forces stopped them, so the demonstrators threw stones at them. The Israeli soldiers fired tear gas canisters and rubber-coated bullets. As a result, 5 Palestinian civilians sustained wounds: a 22-year-old male, sustained a bullet wound to the chest; an 18-year-old male, sustained a bullet wound to the back; a 25-year-old male, was hit by a gas canister in the right foot; a 30-year-old male, sustained a bullet wound in the left hand; and a 19 year-old male, sustained a bullet wound to the back.

Also following the Friday Prayer on 22 February 2013, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders organized a peaceful demonstration in Ne’lin village, west of Ramallah, in protest at the construction of the annexation wall and settlement activities. The demonstrators moved towards areas of the annexation wall. Immediately, Israeli soldiers stationed in the area fired rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the demonstrators. As a result, dozens of demonstrators suffered from tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises.

Also following the Friday Prayer, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international human rights defenders organized a peaceful demonstration in the center of al-Ma’sara village, south of Bethlehem, in protest at the ongoing construction of the annexation wall. As the protestors moved towards the gate of the village, dozens of the Israeli ‘Border Guards’ and Special Forces were closing the gate under pretext that this is a closed military zone. The soldiers fired tear gas canisters at the demonstration and civilian houses. A number of demonstrators suffocated as a result of tear gas inhalation. Also, one protester fainted due to tear gas inhalation and was transported to al-Wehda Medical Center in the village for the necessary medical treatment.

At approximately 12:15 on Friday, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international human rights defenders organized a peaceful demonstration in the center of Kufor Kadoum village, northeast of Qalqilya, in protest to the continuous closure of the eastern entrance of the village since the beginning of the al-Aqsa Intifada. The demonstrators moved towards the entrance of the village. Immediately, Israeli forces, stationed in the surroundings of the steel gate established at the entrance, fired tear gas canisters and sound bombs intensively at the demonstrators to stop them from reaching the gate. A number of demonstrators fainted as a result of tear gas inhalation.

At approximately 12:30 on Friday, dozens of Palestinian civilians organized a demonstration, from the center of Jayous village, northeast of Qalqilya, towards the western gate of the village, where the Israeli forces are stationed, in protest to the continuous confiscation of lands, not applying the Israeli Supreme Court’s decision to adjust the route of the annexation wall and obstructing farmers on their way in and out through the aforementioned gate. As soon as the demonstrators came close to the gate, Israeli soldiers, who had been deployed behind it, fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters intensively at the demonstration. As a result, dozens of civilians also suffered from tear gas inhalation due to tear gas inhalation.

At noon, dozens of Palestinian civilians, activists of the Youth Forum against Settlement Activity and human rights activists gathered in front of ‘Ali al-Baka’ mosque, in the center of Hebron, for a demonstration calling for opening Shuhada Street, which has been closed since 1994, following the Ibrahimi Mosque massacre of 1993 which was committed out by Baruch Goldstein, an Israeli settler, against Muslim worshipers. The demonstrators headed towards the entrance of Shuhada Street, adjacent to the old municipal building, where the settlers established ‘Beit Hadassah’ settlement outpost, located in area H2 under the Oslo Accords. Israeli forces, accompanied by a number of military vehicles and waste water pumps, stormed the area, ordered the demonstrators to leave and declared it a closed military zone. A group of youngsters tried to cut the barbwire and open the gate leading to the aforementioned street. In response, the Israeli soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets, live-bullets, sound bombs, tear gas canisters and waste water at them. As a result, two brothers sustained bullet wounds; the first (18) sustained a bullet wound in the left foot, the second (20) sustained a bullet wound in the right foot; and Abdel-Hafiz al-Hashlamon (37), a cameraman for a European News Agency, sustained a bullet wound in the right foot. All of them were transported to Hebron Public Hospital for treatment.

At approximately 19:30, a group of Palestinian youngsters attempted to raid the steel gate closing Shuhada Street for the second time. They also threw rocks at Israeli soldiers who were stationed behind concrete blocks. The Israeli soldiers responded with live-bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs. As a result, more than 20 civilians suffocated from tear gas inhalation and 2 children sustained bullet wounds; they were transported to Hebron Public Hospital for treatment.

At approximately 12:00 on Saturday, 23 February 2013, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international human rights activists gathered in Um al-‘Amad area, west of Yatta, south of Hebron, for a peaceful demonstration in protest to the Israeli authorities’ confiscation of dozens of Palestinian dunums for settlement expansion projects in ‘Atnaúal’ settlement, established on Palestinian civilians’ lands south of the city. Israeli forces and police raided the area and declared it a closed military zone. The soldiers and civilians quarreled verbally after the civilians tried to approach the confiscated lands. The Israeli soldiers fired tear gas canisters and sound bombs at the demonstration. As a result, a number of civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. Later, the Israeli forces abducted a 45-year old man.

Demonstrations in Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners and Detainees in Israeli Jails

At approximately 11:00 on Thursday, 21 February 2013, dozens of Palestinian civilians gathered at the Martyrs Square in the center of Nablus and organized a peaceful demonstration in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike inside Israeli prisons. The demonstrators roamed the streets of the city and headed towards Howara checkpoint on the southern entrance of the city. The Israeli forces closed the checkpoint to stop other Palestinians and journalists from joining the demonstrators. The demonstrators threw stones at Israeli forces stationed at the checkpoint, and the Israeli forces fired tear gas canister and sound bombs at them. As a result, many of the demonstrators suffered from tear gas inhalation.

At the same time, dozens of Palestinian civilians and dozens of prisoners’ families demonstrated in front of ‘Ofer’ prison, southwest of Ramallah, in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike. The demonstration moved towards the prison gate. The Israeli forces closed the gate before the demonstrators could enter and started shooting live fire, rubber-coated metal bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs at them. As a result, 2 Palestinian civilians sustained injuries. They were transported to Palestine Health Complex in Ramallah by ambulances. The first, 19 year-old male, sustained a bullet wound in the right thigh; and the second, a 22 year-old male, sustained a bullet wound in the right temple.

Following Friday Prayer on 22 February 2013, dozens of Palestinian civilians gathered in the center of ‘Aboud village, northwest of Ramallah, for a peaceful demonstration in solidarity with prisoners on hunger strike inside Israeli jails. The demonstration headed towards the eastern entrance of the village, near the settler’s road adjacent to the village. Before arriving to their destination, Israeli forces, which were stationed at the aforementioned entrance fired tear gas canisters, live-bullets, rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs at them and chased them. As a result, 4 Palestinian civilians sustained wounds, including one who sustained a bullet wound that settled in his head, and was transported to Rafidia Surgical Hospital in Nablus. Following medical examination, it was found that the bullet caused a fracture in the skull, the victim underwent surgery on the same day; he needed another surgery due to hemorrhage in the brain, Mr. ‘Asfour is now in a coma. A 29-year-old male sustained a bullet wound below the left knew; the bullet damaged the bones and he was also transported to Rifidia Surgical Hospital. A 24-year-old male sustained a bullet wound to the abdomen. A 23-year-old male, sustained a bullet wound to the abdomen.

At the same time, dozens of Palestinian civilians and dozens of prisoners’ families demonstrated in front of ‘Ofer’ prison, southwest of Ramallah, in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike. The demonstration moved towards the prison gate. The Israeli forces closed the gate before the demonstrators could enter and started shooting live fire, rubber-coated metal bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs at them. As a result, 8 Palestinian civilians, including two children, sustained injuries. They were transported to Palestine Health Complex in Ramallah by ambulances.

At approximately 18:00, a demonstration was organized in Jenin in solidarity with prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli jails, and in condemnation of the death of prisoner ‘Arafat Jaradat inside an Israeli prison. The demonstration patrolled the streets of the city, and ended near al-Jalama checkpoint separating Jenin and Israel, northeast of Jenin. Following that, a group of Palestinian youth gathered in front of the checkpoint, threw stones, empty bottles at the soldiers and set rubber-tires ablaze. The soldiers closed the checkpoint and fired rubber-coated metal bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs to disperse them; as a result, many civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. The clashes continued for several hours and 11 demonstrators were abducted, including a child. Most of them were released later the same day after being detained in Salem Camp, northwest of Jenin.

At approximately 12:30 on Friday, dozens of Palestinian civilians gathered at the Martyrs Square in the center of Nablus and organized a peaceful demonstration in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike inside Israeli prisons. The demonstrators roamed the streets of the city and headed towards Howara checkpoint on the southern entrance of the city. The Israeli forces closed the checkpoint to stop other Palestinians and journalists from joining the demonstrators. The demonstrators threw stones at Israeli forces stationed at the checkpoint, and the Israeli forces fired tear gas canister and sound bombs at them. As a result, many of the demonstrators suffered from tear gas inhalation.

At approximately 13:00 on Friday, a demonstration was organized in Tulkarm in solidarity with prisoners on hunger strike inside Israeli jails. The demonstration roamed the streets of Tulkarm and ended at Natania Street near Gishouri factories, southwest of the city. Following that, a group of Palestinian youth gathered in front of the checkpoint, threw rocks, empty bottles at the soldiers and set rubber-tires ablaze. The soldiers closed the checkpoint and fired rubber-coated metal bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs to disperse them. As a result, many civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.

At the same time, a demonstration started from ‘Anabta village, east of Tulkarm, in solidarity with prisoners on hunger strike inside Israeli jails. The demonstration roamed the streets of the village and ended at ‘Ennab military checkpoint, established on the main Tulkarm-Nablus road, east of Tulkarm. Following that, a group of Palestinian youth gathered in front of the checkpoint, threw stones, empty bottles at the soldiers and set rubber-tires ablaze. The soldiers closed the checkpoint and fired rubber-coated metal bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs to disperse them. As a result, many civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. The clashes continued for several hours. The Israeli forces detained three civilians, including two children.

At approximately 15:30 on Saturday, 23 February 2013, a group of boys, from al-Jalazonerefugee camp, north of Ramallah, near the southeastern entrance of the camp, behind the UNRWA Camp School for Boys. The boys were 200 meters from the fence surrounding ‘Beit El’ settlement. The boys threw stones at the settlement’s fence. In response, the Israeli soldiers fired live-bullets, rubber-coated metal bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs at them. As a result, a 15-year-old boy sustained four shrapnel wounds in the left leg. He was transported to Palestine Health Complex in Ramallah for treatment.

At approximately 11:00 on Sunday, 24 February 2013, a demonstration started from Tulkarm, condemning the death of prisoner Arafat Jaradat inside Israeli jails. The demonstration roamed the streets of Tulkarm and ended at Natania Street near Gishouri factories, southwest of the city. Following that, a group of Palestinian youth gathered in front of the checkpoint, threw stones, empty bottles at the soldiers and set rubber-tires ablaze. The soldiers closed the checkpoint and fired rubber-coated metal bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs to disperse them.

At approximately 11:00 on Sunday, 24 February 2013, a demonstration started from Tulkarm, in solidarity with prisoners on hunger strike inside Israeli jails. The demonstration roamed the streets of Tulkarm and ended at Natania Street near Gishouri factories, southwest of the city. Following that, a group of Palestinian young gathered in front of the checkpoint, threw stones, empty bottles at the soldiers and set rubber-tires ablaze. The soldiers closed the checkpoint and fired rubber-coated metal bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs to disperse them

At noon on Sunday, 24 February 2013, dozens of Palestinian civilians and dozens of prisoners’ families demonstrated in front of ‘Ofer’ prison, southwest of Ramallah, in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike. The demonstration moved towards the prison gate. The Israeli forces closed the gate before the demonstrators could enter and started shooting live fire, rubber-coated metal bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs at them. As a result, 5 Palestinian civilians, including a child, sustained injuries. Three of them sustained live-bullet wounds, and the fourth one sustained a metal-bullet wound and the fifth was hit with a tear gas canister.

At approximately 13:10, dozens of Palestinian children and youngsters gathered at the eastern entrance of ‘Ayda Refugee Camp, north of Bethlehem, for a demonstration in protest to the death of prisoner Arafat Jaradat inside Israeli jails, and in solidarity with prisoners on hunger strike. The demonstrators threw rocks and Molotov cocktails at the Israeli soldiers stationed at Bilal Bin Rabah Mosque ‘Rachel’s Tomb.’ Immediately, Israeli forces fired live-bullets and tear gas canisters at the demonstrators and the houses on the northern side of the camp. As a result, an 18-year-old male, from al-Dehaishah refugee camp, sustained a bullet wound to the right foot; he was transported to Beit Jala Public Hospital where his condition was described as moderate. According to Mohammed Yousif’s, from ‘Ayda Youth Center, testimony to a PCHR fieldworker, the Israeli forces intentionally fired tear gas canister at the civilian houses. As a result, a family of 6 members suffocated after tear gas canisters fell into their house.

At approximately 13:30, a demonstration started from Jenin, in solidarity with prisoners on hunger strike inside Israeli jails and condemnation of the death of Arafat Jaradat inside Israeli jails. The demonstration roamed the streets of Jenin and ended at al-Jalma checkpoint, separating Israel and Jenin, northeast of the city. Following that, a group of Palestinian youth gathered in front of the checkpoint, threw stones and empty bottles at the soldiers and set rubber-tires ablaze. The soldiers closed the checkpoint and fired rubber-coated metal bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs to disperse them; as a result, many civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. Samih Rabah Rafiq Abul-Waffa (20) was abducted.

At approximately 15:30, dozens of Palestinian children and youngsters gathered at the eastern entrance of al-Khader village, south of Bethlehem, for a peaceful demonstration in protest to the death of prisoner Arafat Jaradat inside Israeli jails, and in solidarity with prisoners on hunger strike. A number of Israeli soldiers approached the demonstrators and fired live-bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs at them. A number of demonstrators suffocated as a result of tear gas inhalation.

At approximately 11:00 on Monday, 25 February 2013, a demonstration started from Tulkarm, in solidarity with prisoners on hunger strike inside Israeli jails. The demonstration roamed the streets of Tulkarm and ended at Natania Street near Gishouri factories, southwest of the city. Following that, a group of Palestinian youth gathered in front of the checkpoint, threw rocks, empty bottles at the soldiers and set rubber-tires ablaze. The soldiers closed the checkpoint and fired rubber-coated metal bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs to disperse them; as a result, a 17-year-old boy sustained a bullet-wound in his right eye; he was transported to Dr. Thabet Thabet Public Hospital then to Rifidia Surgical Hospital. Also, many civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.

At approximately 12:30 on Monday, 25 February 2013, dozens of Bir Zait University students, and Palestinian civilians from Ramallah and al-Bireh, gatehered for a peaceful demonstration in protest to the death of prisoner Arafat Jaradat inside Israeli jails, and in solidarity with prisoners on hunger strike. The demonstrators moved towards ‘Ofer’ prison, southwest of Ramallah, in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike. The demonstration moved towards the prison gate. The Israeli forces closed the gate before the demonstrators could enter and started shooting live fire, rubber-coated metal bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs at them. As a result, 7 Palestinian civilians sustained injuries. One of them sustained a live bullet wound, another one was hit by a tear gas canister and the other five ones sustained metal-bullet wounds.

At approximately 13:30, a demonstration started from ‘Ennabta village, east of Tulkarm, in solidarity with prisoners on hunger strike inside Israeli jails. The demonstration roamed the streets of the village and ended at ‘Ennab military checkpoint, established on Tulkarm – Nablus road, east of Tulkarm. Following that, a group of Palestinian youth gathered in front of the checkpoint, threw stones, empty bottles at the soldiers and set rubber-tires ablaze. The soldiers closed the checkpoint and fired rubber-coated metal bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs to disperse them; as a result, many civilians suffocated from tear gas inhalation.

At approximately 13:55, dozens of Palestinian children and youngsters gathered at the eastern entrance of ‘Ayda refugee camp, north of Bethlehem, for a demonstration in protest to the death of prisoner Arafat Jaradat inside Israeli jails, and in solidarity with prisoners on hunger strike. The demonstrators threw rocks and Molotov cocktails at the Israeli soldiers stationed at Bilal Bin Rabah Mosque ‘Rachel’s Tomb.’ Immediately, Israeli forces fired live-bullets and tear gas canisters at the demonstrators and the houses on the northern side of the camp. As a result, Mohammed Khaled al-Kurdi (13) sustained two bullet-wounds in the right foot and back. Al-Kurdi was transported to Beit Jala Public Hospital; he underwent surgery and was later admitted to the ICU, his condition was described as stable. The clashes continued in the evening, and the Israeli soldiers abducted ‘Odai Naif Sarhan (16) by the camps’ cemeteries area and transported him to the Military Tower. The soldiers fired two bullets to his head from a very short distance. Afterwards, Palestinian ambulances were called. They arrived accompanied by Palestinian police and national security. Sarhan was transported to Beit Jala Public Hospital, and then to the Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation. Due to his critical injuries, he was transported to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital where he underwent two surgeries to extract the bullets from his head. His condition was described as critical.

At approximately 14:25, a demonstration of school students gathered from the center of Taqou’ village, southeast of Bethlehem, in condemnation of the death of prisoner Arafat Jaradat inside Israeli jails. The demonstration started from the western entrance of the village, which lead to Sa’ir village, northeast of the Hebron. Upon reaching the aforementioned entrance, Israeli forces, stationed there, fired tear gas canisters and rubber-coated metal bullets at them. As a result, Mahmoud Kamel Sabah (17) sustained a bullet wound in his left foot. He was transported to Beit Jala Public Hospital where his condition was described as moderate. Also, Hussam Jamal Sabbah (17) was hit by a tear gas canister in the left shoulder.

At approximately 12:30 on Tuesday, 26 February 2013, dozens of Palestinian civilians gathered at the Martyrs Square in the center of Nablus and organized a peaceful demonstration in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike inside Israeli prisons. The demonstrators roamed the streets of the city and headed towards Howara checkpoint on the southern entrance of the city. The Israeli forces closed the checkpoint to stop other Palestinians and journalists from joining the demonstrators. The demonstrators threw stones at Israeli forces stationed at the checkpoint, and the Israeli forces fired tear gas canister and sound bombs at them. As a result, many of the demonstrators suffered from tear gas inhalation. The Israeli forces also abducted Murad ‘Issa Youssif Ghazawi (19) and transported him to an unknown destination.

Recommendations to the international community:

Due to the number and severity of Israeli human rights violations, the PCHR made several recommendations to the international community. Among these were a recommendation that international civil society, including human rights organizations, bar associations, unions and NGOs, continue their role in pressuring their governments to secure Israel’s respect for human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and to demand Israel end its attacks on Palestinian civilians.

The PCHR calls upon the international community to pressure Israel to lift the severe restrictions imposed by the Israeli government and its occupation forces on access for international organizations to the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

For the full text of the report, click on the link below: